What is the Narcissistic abuse cycle?

Narcissistic abuse is a psychological and physical manipulation that can have lasting effects on the survivor. If you suspect that you or someone you know is a victim of narcissistic abuse, it's important to understand the different stages of the abusive cycle. This article will explain what the narcissistic abuse cycle is and how it works.

Narcissistic Abuse

Narcissistic abuse is a form of emotional, psychological and/or physical abuse that can occur in close relationships, such as marriage or dating. It is characterized by a pattern of controlling, exploited, and degrading behavior.

Narcissistic abuse often starts with small acts of manipulation, such as fishing for compliments or playing mind games. The abuser may also try to control the relationship by making all the decisions and putting their partner down.

As the abuse progresses, it can escalate to physical violence or sexual assault. The victim may also be subjected to financial exploitation or Gaslighting, which is a form of psychological abuse that involves manipulating events and information to make the victim question their own reality and memory.

If you are in a relationship with someone who you think is abusing you narcissistically, it is important to seek help from a qualified professional. Narcissistic abuse can have a devastating effect on your mental and emotional well-being, and it can be difficult to break free from the cycle without outside support.

The Three Phases of the Narcissistic Abuse Cycle

There are three phases to the narcissistic abuse cycle: idealization (Love-bombing), devaluation, and discard.

During the idealization (love-bombing) phase,  the narcissist puts their victim on a pedestal and showers them with attention and affection. The victim feels like they have finally found the perfect partner.

However, the narcissist is only doing this to gain control over their victim. Once they feel they have a firm grip on them, they begin to devalue them. They will criticize them, put them down, and make them feel like they are not good enough.

The final phase is when the narcissist discards their victim. They will coldly cut off all contact, leaving their victim feeling confused, hurt, and abandoned.

How to Break the Narcissistic Abuse Cycle

The narcissistic abuse cycle is a vicious one. It's easy to get trapped in it, especially if you're not aware of it. Here's how to break the cycle and free yourself:

●      Recognize and accept the cycle of abuse. This is the first and most important step. If you can't recognize that you're in the cycle, you can't break out of it.

●      Take some time for yourself. This is crucial. You need to recharge your batteries and regain your strength. Spend time with friends and family, do things that make you happy, and take care of yourself.

●      Set boundaries. Once you've taken some time for yourself, it's important to set boundaries with the narcissist. Don't allow them to control you or treat you badly. Stand up for yourself and demand respect.

●      Seek help from professionals. If you're struggling to break the narcissistic abuse cycle on your own, seek help from a therapist or counselor who can guide you through the process.


The narcissistic abuse cycle is a vicious one that can leave victims feeling trapped and hopeless. But it is important to remember that there is always a way out. If you are in an abusive relationship, reach out to a friend or family member for support, or contact a local domestic violence hotline. You deserve to be safe and happy, and there are people who will help you get there.


For more information and education on narcissistic abuse, visit my website linked below.

Natalie Jambazian